Physicists Inspiring the Next Generation (PING): Exploring the Nuclear Matter 2021
Introduction to Michigan Agriculture
This year's agricultural tour was hosted at East Riverside Farm/Highline Cattle Feeding in Breckenridge, MI.
PING administrators were actually able to visit the farm in person and walk to tour with Emily, the guide. While on the tour Casey, PING Program Assistant videotaped the walking tour. The students were then showed the video a couple days later. Emily popped on the Zoom meeting after the video to answer the multitude of questions that participants had.
While viewing the tour, PING participants go to learn about what a cattle feed lot is and its associated challenges that come with running one. Emily explained about feeding, health, and overall practices of the farm. PING participants were presented with a few possible technology challenges that perhaps they may get to help solve one day in the near future.
At the end of the tour, Emily let PING administrators visit her home farm with goats, a horse named Girl, and one very special chicken!